We hold a “Sunday Club” on Sundays for primary school aged children and also a Summer Holiday Club over 3 days in the second half of August.
Sunday Club
Our “Sunday Club” groups for older nursery and primary school aged children takes place on Sunday mornings. We regularly have around 30 children across three age-separated groups who meet upstairs in our Upper hall and Sunday Club rooms. The children are in the main service for the first 15 minutes and then go to their Sunday Club space. They have an all-together time with a talk, game and songs and then separate into their groups for games, craft and discussion.
Once a month we have a service for “all ages”, this is usually the 4th Sunday of the month. On this Sunday all of our Sunday Club children are in the main service and either sit with their parents or all together at the front of church, depending on their preference.
Summer Holiday Club: Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th August 2025, 9am—12pm
Holiday Club is for children in Reception to Year 6. There are games, drama, a chance to learn about the Christian story and a lot of general mayhem. Join the waitlist here and we’ll email you when bookings open.